Sky Blue Credit Repair looks at every area of your credit history to identify if there are any issues that are hurting your credit and how they can be fixed. The company claims that it can work faster than an individual could on his/her own and claim a greater chance of success due to its experience with this kind of work. You can learn more about their offer, client feedback, reputation, advantages and disadvantages, and other information in this review.

Overview of Sky Blue credit repair program

Sky Blue Credit Repair, headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida, has been a market leader in the credit repair industry since 1989. Their customer-friendly and professional staff members help consumers with repairing their credit. They review credit reports and devise a strategy to maximize and improve the client's credit based on the specific situation. The company also works directly with credit bureaus to dispute mistakes and other similar issues.

Does it really work?

Sky Blue Credit Repair has over 30 years of expertise and is a leading player in credit repair. Sky Blue's services come with a money-back guarantee. They have numerous positive reviews that confirm the effectiveness of their services. If you're looking for a reliable credit repair company, Sky Blue is one of the best options on the current market.

How long does sky blue credit repair take to work?

Based on the volume of disputes, the process can take anywhere from 1 to 6 months. For an average customer, Sky Blue usually accomplishes the credit repair process in roughly 3 to 6 months, but it can happen faster when your reports only have a few inaccuracies to rectify.

Can it remove late payments?

A goodwill letter is one of the strategies used by Sky Blue Credit Repair to resolve late payments. A goodwill letter is sent as an appeal to your creditor to have the incident erased from your credit history. It is not a dispute and does not challenge negative items with credit bureaus. When used for late payments over six months old, goodwill letters are most effective after six months of flawless monthly payments.


  • Professional Evaluation: Sky Blue Credit analyzes even the smallest minor disputes, allowing you to take advantage of any possibility to improve your credit score.
  • Quick Dispute Resolution: They get going quickly and maintain speed. Their 35-day dispute cycle is ten days faster than the average credit repair company.
  • Easily cancel or pause membership: To terminate your subscription without paying extra fees, users can sign in to the online platform, write a message, or contact Sky Blue.
  • Provides a 90-day money-back guarantee: If you're dissatisfied by any chance, Sky Blue may issue a refund in the first 90 days after enrolling.
  • Provides extra services that are flexible: You have the option of requesting complimentary extras such as free ID theft consultation, debt settlement, negotiation consultation, or mortgage preparation services.


  • The absence of a mobile application: Sky Blue, unlike its peers, does not provide a mobile app for checking your performance and account information.
  • Less dispute letter types available: They send only goodwill removal requests, cease-and-desist letters, debt validation letters, and hard inquiry disagreement letters. Some rivals will provide additional services, such as Section 604 disputes and Pay for Delete letters.
  • No credit monitoring service offered: Regretfully, if you want credit monitoring services, you'll have to hire another company; however, Sky Blue will give alternative report services at a low rate.

Sky blue credit repair

Sky Blue Credit provides just one option with generally relevant services and the ability to tailor the strategy to your requirements.

  • Credit rebuilding: Sky Blue's experts will recommend ways to improve your FICO score, for example, procuring a secured credit card and/or paying past the base installment on certain records. You can also work with the credit repair company to draw up a plan to restore your credit.
  • Professional credit analysis: Sky Blue Credit’s experts review your credit reports and find inconsistencies or inaccuracies. Even better, you can register for a counseling session, and consulting a professional will address any queries you might have and get suggestions as to what you can challenge.
  • Credit disputes: Sky Blue Credit challenges on behalf of their clients, assessing credit reports in detail. You are entitled to unlimited disputes and redisputes. Besides inquiry disputes, Sky Blue can write goodwill, debt validation, and cease-and-desist letters to credit bureaus and collectors when necessary.

Other services that go with the contract 

Sky Blue Credit offers the following optional services automatically covered in your monthly price.

  • Identity theft consultation: If you feel your identity got stolen, Sky Blue can assist you in determining what happened and taking the appropriate steps.
  • Mortgage preparation: Sky Blue Credit can assist you in developing a plan to restore your credit so you can fulfill your goal of acquiring a home.
  • Consultations on debt settlement/negotiation: Sky Blue will endeavor to minimize your debt by negotiating with creditors and collection agencies.
  • Cease and Desist letters: Sky Blue will study the statute of limitations on the debt, verify the debt, and advise you of your alternatives before the implementation. 

Ease of use

The online setup is simple and responsive. Using the Sky Blue portal, you can start or end your service as needed. Client feedback on their credit repair online registration is consistent. They say it has a smooth and user-friendly experience.

Here are the registration steps to help you get Sky Blue’s help as fast as possible:

  • Register by supplying your personal information like your name, address, and contact information.
  • Add a second member for half the price – no marriage required.
  • Get a clear understanding of the service payments that are coming up and avoid any confusion.
  • Sky Blue collects the free credit history reports to which you are entitled to.
  • Add your payment and regulatory information.

Sky Blue will offer you a detailed report pinpointing challenging items on your credit history based on the following:

  • Payment delays;
  • Collection of debts;
  • Foreclosures;
  • Charge-offs;
  • Repossessions.
  • Later, you can determine what items you wish to contest. Additionally, you can gain tailored advice on techniques to raise your FICO score.

    At any time, you can easily pause your services with a single click using the Sky Blue portal. Fees get suspended immediately until a date in the future or at your request. 

    They provide excellent service, and anybody who requires credit repair will be delighted to work with them. Specifically, everything they offer is available for a single fee. Amazingly, they provide refunds if they cannot help you.

    Sky Blue customer service 

    Sky Blue Credit can be reached by phone at (800) 790-0445 from 9 am to 7 pm EST. Monday through Friday, or by leaving a message via the contact page on the "send us a note" contact form. Although Sky Blue does not provide live chat or an app, users can control their accounts online whenever they wish by signing in.

    Do their services require a long-term contract?

    A long-term contract is not required when you join Sky Blue Credit. By logging into your online account, contacting customer support, or sending a message to the company, you can pause or discontinue your subscription whenever you wish. There will be no charge to cancel your membership.


    The initial review/setup fee is $79, followed by a monthly charge of $79 after six days. Signing up as a couple can save you a lot of money: The initial fee for two individuals is decreased to $119, accompanied by a monthly charge of $119. Sky Blue's money-back guarantee lets you request a refund in the first 90 days, and you'll get reimbursed for both your monthly subscription and the startup charge.

    Company reputation

    We may assess the reputation of credit repair businesses by consulting the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's (CFPB) complaint database. But it's vital to remember that the absence of grievances does not always imply a good reputation for the company.

    There have been five complaints to the CFPB against Sky Blue Credit in the last three years. These concerns were usually associated with customer service and were quickly resolved, according to the CFPB. 

    • With Better Business Bureau, the company has an A+ with 3.9/5 from 23 reviews and 11 complaints. Although, it has no accreditation from BBB yet.
    • From TrustLink, it has 4.5/5 based on 28 reviews.
    • Sky Blue scored 4.8.5 on from 222 client reviews. A further indication of their outstanding performance.
    • The company got 4.4/5 from 453 reviews on Google.

    User reviews

    Reportedly, prospective customers are informed during the free consultation that their credit isn't poor enough to necessitate Sky Blue's assistance. In an authentic gesture, Sky Blue directed them to its free credit education page so that they could restore their credit on their own.

    Many customers who received help had glowing reviews about the services and options that were a perfect fit for them. They discovered customer service to be knowledgeable specialists who were quite helpful.

    According to another review, Sky Blue refunded a client's payment because the business did not believe the regular dispute process would be successful.

    Alternatives to Sky Blue: Comparison Chart



    - Score guidance

    - Debt management

    - Coaching: one-on-one

    - Credit disputes

    - Identity theft Insurance

    - Hard inquiry disputes

    - Debt management

    - Credit monitoring

    - Debt management

    - Credit disputes

    - Credit monitoring

    - Hard inquiry disputes

    - Identity fraud insurance

    - Credit tracking

    - Identity fraud

    - Debt management

    - Credit disputes

    Custom Service Platforms

    - Phone

    - Contact form

    - Email

    - Phone

    - Live chat, login dashboard

    - Email

    - Phone

    - Email

    - Phone

    - Live chat

    - Email

    - Phone

    - Online

    - Live chat

    - Mobile app

    Letters to Creditors

    - Goodwill

    - Cease and Desist

    - Debt Validation

    Charge offs





    Delayed Payments

    Several - not listed

    Not stated

    - Delayed Payments

    - Collections

    - Liens

    - Charge- offs

    - Bankruptcies

    - Repossessions

    Maximum Limit of Disputes Per Month


    19 for every 45 to 60 days


    Lower-tier packages - not stated. Top-tier package - unlimited

    19 for every 45 to 60 days

    Monthly Fee


    $99.95 ($24.99 per customer support)




    Minimum First work fee


    $89.95 ($24.99 per customer service)




    Sky Blue FAQs 

    How Long Does the Sky-Blue Credit Plan Last?

    As long as you think you are getting something out of using Sky Blue Credit, you are welcome to do so. There is no set time requirement for membership services.

    Is identity theft protection available from Sky Blue credit repair?

    Yes, Sky Blue's service includes extensive credit repair help in the unfortunate case of identity fraud.

    What is the process for canceling Sky Blue's repair?

    Sky Blue Credit has a free cancellation policy, so you can stop using their credit repair services whenever you want. Use the contact information on the company's website to send a message or dial Sky Blue Credit's telephone directly.

    Is there a fee for credit reports?

    There is no fee for reports. When you sign up with Sky Blue Credit, they will assist you in obtaining your free credit reports. Credit reports are provided by independent companies and by credit bureaus. They are always free, do not include a trial run, and do not affect your credit scores when obtained.

    Are you allowed to take a break?

    You can, at any time. Sky Blue does not cause you or your budget more strain. You can pause, restart, or even choose your payment date by pressing a tab in your profile or calling the company.

    Do you ever need to upgrade?

    You do not ever need to upgrade. Sky Blue will not ask for extra fees for any additional services. There is only one plan.

    Their services include a complete evaluation to pinpoint the problems affecting your credit, individual credit score repair advice, continuing dispute letters issued to credit bureaus, and so on.

    Final verdict: Is it really worth it or not?

    The credit repair services offered by Sky Blue Credit are fairly basic, and there are no hidden costs. Charges are typical for a credit repair business, but the quality distinguishes itself with a consumer-centric service, a gracious cancellation policy, and a notable 90-day guarantee. But the company might do better with educating its customers, and there isn't any credit management alternative available from Sky Blue.

    About the Author James Holland

    James is a certified financial planner who helps retirees and pre-retirees make the most of their money. He has more than 10 years of experience in the field, and he knows how to help people plan for retirement on a budget. James also offers advice on estate planning, long-term care, and other aspects of retirement planning.

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